Two Boise Spa Locations to Choose From.

“Absolutely wonderful! I always look like a new woman afterwards! You never leave the building without feeling relaxed, calm, and refreshed! I highly recommend Heidi Lane Esthetics to everyone I know!
— Molly L. (Google Review)

Boise Bench SPA Location

813 La Cassia Drive
Boise, ID, 83705
United States


“You get the same amazing immersive experience and transformational facials and body treatments as our Downtown Boise location with more treatment rooms for larger parties!”
— Heidi Lane

Our Boise Bench Location maintains the same intimate feel you get with our Downtown Boise location, only with more treatment rooms to accommodate our need for more space!

We offer Hydrafacials at our Boise bench location.

Our larger location will allow you to book for multiple treatments. Do you have an event you’d like to schedule for yourself and several others? This is the perfect location!

Book an appointment and shop our spa boutique filled with the same great natural effective skincare products we use and seasonal beauty care.

Explore our second spa location in Downtown Boise

follow us on instagram @heidilaneesthetics

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